package org.openlcb.implementations; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.openlcb.*; /** * Accepts Datagrams over a Connection from "upstream", and meters them out * to "downstream" nodes (e.g. on a CAN network), one at a time. * This is to ensure that e.g. simple CAN nodes that can't accept more * than one datagram at a time get a chance to reply before the next one * arrives. *

* Datagram negative replies cause a local retransmission. Positive * replies are reflected upstream to original source of the datagram. *



* * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright 2012 * @version $Revision: 4023 $ */ public class DatagramMeteringBuffer extends MessageDecoder { //final static int TIMEOUT = 700; final static int TIMEOUT = 3000; public DatagramMeteringBuffer(Connection toDownstream) { this.toDownstream = toDownstream; new Thread(new Consumer(queue)).start(); fromDownstream = new ReplyHandler(); } Connection toDownstream; Connection fromDownstream; MessageMemo currentMemo; /** * This is where e.g. replies from the OpenLCB * network should be returned to. */ public Connection connectionForRepliesFromDownstream() { return fromDownstream; } BlockingQueue queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); /** * Accept a datagram message to be sent */ @Override public void put(Message msg, Connection toUpstream) { if (msg instanceof DatagramMessage) queue.add(new MessageMemo((DatagramMessage)msg, toUpstream, toDownstream)); else toDownstream.put(msg, fromDownstream); } class ReplyHandler extends AbstractConnection { /* * Find the current handler and have it handle it */ @Override public void put(Message msg, Connection sender) { if (currentMemo == null) return; currentMemo.put(msg, sender); } } class MessageMemo extends MessageDecoder { DatagramMessage message; Connection toDownstream; Connection toUpstream; MessageMemo(DatagramMessage msg, Connection toUpstream, Connection toDownstream) { message = msg; this.toUpstream = toUpstream; this.toDownstream = toDownstream; } public void sendIt() { currentMemo = this; forwardDownstream(); } void forwardDownstream() { toDownstream.put(message, fromDownstream); startTimeout(); } Timer timer; void startTimeout() { timer = new Timer(); TimerTask task = new TimerTask(){ public void run(){ timerExpired(); } }; timer.schedule(task, TIMEOUT); } void endTimeout() { if (timer != null) timer.cancel(); else System.out.println("Found timer null for datagram "+(message != null ? message.toString() : " == null")); } void timerExpired() { // should not happen, but if it does, // fabricate a permanent error and forward up DatagramRejectedMessage msg = new DatagramRejectedMessage(message.getDestNodeID(), message.getSourceNodeID(), 0x0100); System.out.println("Never received reply for datagram "+(message != null ? message.toString() : " == null")); handleDatagramRejected(msg, null); } /** * Handle "Datagram Acknowledged" message */ @Override public void handleDatagramAcknowledged(DatagramAcknowledgedMessage msg, Connection sender){ // check if this is from right source & to us if ( ! (msg.getDestNodeID()!=null && msg.getSourceNodeID()!=null && msg.getDestNodeID().equals(message.getSourceNodeID()) && message.getDestNodeID().equals(msg.getSourceNodeID()) ) ) { // not for us, just forward toUpstream.put(msg, toUpstream); return; } endTimeout(); // forward message upstream toUpstream.put(msg, toUpstream); // and allow sending another new Thread(new Consumer(queue)).start(); } /** * Handle "Datagram Rejected" message */ @Override public void handleDatagramRejected(DatagramRejectedMessage msg, Connection sender) { // check if this is from right source & to us if ( ! (msg.getDestNodeID()!=null && msg.getSourceNodeID()!=null && msg.getDestNodeID().equals(message.getSourceNodeID()) && message.getDestNodeID().equals(msg.getSourceNodeID()) ) ) { // not for us, just forward toUpstream.put(msg, toUpstream); return; } endTimeout(); // check if resend permitted if (msg.canResend()) { forwardDownstream(); } else { // forward upstream to originator and let them sort it out toUpstream.put(msg, toUpstream); // and allow sending another new Thread(new Consumer(queue)).start(); } } } static class Consumer implements Runnable { private final BlockingQueue queue; Consumer(BlockingQueue q) { queue = q; } @Override public void run() { try { consume(queue.take()); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {} // and exits. Another has to be started with this item is done. } void consume(MessageMemo x) { x.sendIt(); } } }