package org.openlcb.implementations.throttle; import org.openlcb.Connection; import org.openlcb.Message; import org.openlcb.MessageDecoder; import org.openlcb.OlcbInterface; import org.openlcb.implementations.VersionedValue; import org.openlcb.implementations.VersionedValueListener; import org.openlcb.messages.TractionControlReplyMessage; import org.openlcb.messages.TractionControlRequestMessage; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Traction protocol based implementation of the throttle. This differs from {@ref * ThrottleImplementation} in that it uses the {@ref TractionControlRequest} messages for talking * to the train nodes, including proper allocation and deallocation of throttles. *

* Created by bracz on 12/30/15. */ public class TractionThrottle extends MessageDecoder { public static final String UPDATE_PROP_ENABLED = "updateEnabled"; public static final String UPDATE_PROP_STATUS = "updateStatus"; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(new Object() { }.getClass().getSuperclass() .getName()); private final OlcbInterface iface; RemoteTrainNode trainNode; boolean assigned = false; boolean enabled = false; String status; java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport(this); private VersionedValue speed = new VersionedValue<>(0.0f); private VersionedValueListener speedUpdater = new VersionedValueListener(speed) { @Override public void update(Float t) { if (!enabled) return; Message m = TractionControlRequestMessage.createSetSpeed(iface.getNodeId(), trainNode.getNodeId(), t >= 0, t); iface.getOutputConnection().put(m, TractionThrottle.this); } }; private Map functions = new HashMap<>(); private boolean pendingAssign = false; public TractionThrottle(OlcbInterface iface) { this.iface = iface; } public void start(RemoteTrainNode trainNode) { if (assigned && !trainNode.getNodeId().equals(trainNode.getNodeId())) { release(); } this.trainNode = trainNode; assign(); } /** * Releases the throttle from the assigned train node. */ public void release() { if (!assigned) return; Message m = TractionControlRequestMessage.createReleaseController(iface.getNodeId(), trainNode.getNodeId()); iface.getOutputConnection().put(m, this); assigned = false; setEnabled(false); iface.unRegisterMessageListener(this); setStatus("Released node."); } private void assign() { setStatus("Assigning node..."); iface.registerMessageListener(this); pendingAssign = true; Message m = TractionControlRequestMessage.createAssignController(iface.getNodeId(), trainNode.getNodeId()); iface.getOutputConnection().put(m, this); } private void assignComplete() { assigned = true; setStatus("Enabled."); setEnabled(true); querySpeed(); // Refreshes functions after getting the definite promise from the node. for (FunctionInfo f : functions.values()) { queryFunction(f.fn); } } /** * Initiates fetching the current speed from the OpenLCB node. When the speed value arrives, * the property change listener will be called on the speed object. */ public void querySpeed() { Message m = TractionControlRequestMessage.createGetSpeed(iface.getNodeId(), trainNode .getNodeId()); iface.getOutputConnection().put(m, this); } /** * Initiates fetching the current value of a given function from the OpenLCB node. When the * function value arrives, the property change listener will be called on the function object. * * @param fn the number of the function (address in OLCB land) */ public void queryFunction(int fn) { Message m = TractionControlRequestMessage.createGetFn(iface.getNodeId(), trainNode .getNodeId(), fn); iface.getOutputConnection().put(m, this); } public VersionedValue getFunction(int fn) { return getFunctionInfo(fn).shared; } /** * Creates or returns the FunctionInfo structure for a given function number. */ private synchronized FunctionInfo getFunctionInfo(int fn) { FunctionInfo v = functions.get(fn); if (v == null) { logger.warning("Creating function " + fn); v = new FunctionInfo(fn); functions.put(fn, v); if (!pendingAssign) { queryFunction(fn); } } return v; } public VersionedValue getSpeed() { return speed; } @Override public void handleTractionControlReply(TractionControlReplyMessage msg, Connection sender) { if (trainNode == null) return; if (!msg.getSourceNodeID().equals(trainNode.getNodeId())) return; if (!msg.getDestNodeID().equals(iface.getNodeId())) return; try { if (msg.getCmd() == TractionControlReplyMessage.CMD_CONTROLLER && msg.getSubCmd() == TractionControlReplyMessage.SUBCMD_CONTROLLER_ASSIGN) { byte result = msg.getAssignControllerReply(); pendingAssign = false; if (result == 0) { assignComplete(); } else if ((result & 1) != 0) { setStatus("Assigning controller failed: controller refused."); } else if ((result & 2) != 0) { setStatus("Assigning controller failed: train node refused."); } return; } if (msg.getCmd() == TractionControlReplyMessage.CMD_GET_SPEED) { speedUpdater.setFromOwner(msg.getSetSpeed().getFloat()); return; } if (msg.getCmd() == TractionControlReplyMessage.CMD_GET_FN) { int fn = msg.getFnNumber(); int val = msg.getFnVal(); logger.warning("Function response: train function " + fn + " value " + val); getFunctionInfo(fn).fnUpdater.setFromOwner(val != 0); return; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Invalid message. logger.warning("Invalid traction message " +msg.toString()); return; }"Unhandled traction message " +msg.toString()); } public String getStatus() { return status; } private void setStatus(String status) { logger.warning("Throttle status: " + status); String oldStatus = this.status; this.status = status; firePropertyChange(UPDATE_PROP_STATUS, oldStatus, this.status); } public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled; } private void setEnabled(boolean enabled_) { boolean old = enabled; enabled = enabled_; firePropertyChange(UPDATE_PROP_ENABLED, old, enabled); } public synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener l) { pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(l); } public synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener l) { pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(l); } protected void firePropertyChange(String p, Object old, Object n) { pcs.firePropertyChange(p, old, n); } private class FunctionInfo { int fn; VersionedValue shared = new VersionedValue<>(false); VersionedValueListener fnUpdater = new VersionedValueListener(shared) { @Override public void update(Boolean aBoolean) { if (!enabled) return; Message m = TractionControlRequestMessage.createSetFn(iface.getNodeId(), trainNode.getNodeId(), fn, aBoolean.booleanValue() ? 1 : 0); iface.getOutputConnection().put(m, TractionThrottle.this); } }; public FunctionInfo(int num) { fn = num; } } }